
"Supporting the population living in the areas affected by the
Under the patronage of a member of the European Parliament
Michele Rivasi
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Coordinating Analytical Centre for “Environmental Health "(Ukraine)
The international syndicate of assistance to the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the victims of nuclear effects (France)
Rehabilitation Centre for victims of the Chernobyl disaster of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
The international syndicate of assistance to the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the victims of nuclear effects (France)
private donations.
The Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
Administration Ivankov district, Kiev region of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Disabled Peoples' Union Chernobyl of Ukraine "(Ukraine)
Mozyr organization Chernobyl liquidators and persons with disabilities "Dapamoga"
The national public socio-ecological union "Chernobyl Initiatives Support Centre" (Belarus)
Public organization "Association for the liquidators and victims of the Chernobyl disaster" (France)
Public organization " Friends of Y. Bandajevski” (France)
Charitable Public Association "Helping the Children of Chernobyl" (Belarus)
Belrad (Belarus)
Institute of social and environmental alternatives (France)
Charity Save the Children Fund of Ukraine from the Chernobyl disaster ((Ukraine)
Medical University of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine (Ukraine).
April 28, 2010
10:00-13:00 Visit to the Chernobyl nuclear power station, the city of Pripyat,
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Visit Ivankov district, Kiev region, Ukraine.
Workshop in Ivankov on the project "Model of integrated livelihoods in the area of contamination"
with members of the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of
Keynote speakers:
AI Leliak, Head of Administration Ivankov district ;,
O. Kadun Chief physician Ivankov district hospitals ;
Pr. YI Bandajevsky Chairman of the
April 29, 2010
First part of the Plenary Conference (9h-13h) will be held in the hall of the Ministry of Emergencies at
Given the access control system, ask the conference participants and guests in advance to send passport details (full name date of birth, place of birth, № of passport, name of issuing passport) to the email address : @
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:30 Welcome
Keynote opening speach : MS. MICHELE RIVASI, EUROPEAN DEPUTY
Part 1. The influence of the radiation factor on the human body during prolonged chronic contamination, the main directions of life-support and radiation protection of the population living in areas contaminated with radioactive agents
Member of the European Parliament, Michèle Rivasi,
Member of the
The objectivity of assessments of the health consequences of the Chernobyl disaster from the international community.
Prof. YI Bandajevski,
International project "Model of integrated life-support in areas of radioactive contamination", as a way to improve the health situation of people affected by the
The state medical industry in Ivankov district of the
Prof. IN Nikitchenko, Advisory Member of the National
The reality of the radio-ecological situation in
The radio-ecological atlas. Man and Radiation.
Ph.D. GS Bandajevskya,
Some aspects of health status of the
Ph.D., NF Dubovaya, Ukraine
Specifics of medical and demographic processes in the radioactive contaminated zones of
GA Romanova, LK Komogortseva, R. Zheldak, Russian Federation
Monitoring the health of the population living in the contaminated zones of the Bryansk region. Organization. Experience.
Prof. VN Darashenka, GA Romanova, Russian Federation
Monitoring of thyroid diseases in the radioactive contaminated areas of the
AI Mostepan,
The role of the rehabilitation center for victims of the
Roland Merieux, France
The main activities of the International Syndicate of Liquidators of the
B. Belgacem, D. Sheehan, M. Wilson, France
Why our French association supports the project of the Center for Ecology and Health established by Prof. Bandajevski".
"How not to fall into the same trap?" Experience in the aftermath of radiation accidents and catastrophes. Analysis of errors.
"Immoral Aspects of Chernobyl consequences and their management”.
AI Duzhy, EA Bulova,
Amputations of lower extremities from 1980 to 2009 among the population living in areas contaminated by radioactive elements.
Analysis of Ukrainian legislation on the protection of victims of the
VM Zaitsev, Belarus
Social protection of the liquidators of the
Ph.D.AV Sergienko, Ukraine
Ukrainian military-medical register and the concept of radiation-toxic psychological trauma.
Prof.NP Baranovskaya, Doctor of Historical Sciences,
The historical memory of
Contradictory assessments of the impact of
An attempt to provide a comprehensive analysis of the causes.
Preventing unwarranted decisions in water management activities in the areas contaminated by the
11:45-12:00 Coffee
12:00-13:30 Debate
13:30-14:30 Lunch
Second part of the plenary session of the conference (14h-18h) will be held at
The conference organizes the transport of the participants to the hotel.
The hotel Kozatskyi to Antonov booked accommodation for the period of the conference.
14:30-16:30 Roundtable on "Achieving coordination between the scientific and humanitarian initiatives in addressing pressing issues of the Chernobyl disaster, social protection and humanitarian support from the international community of liquidators and victims of the Chernobyl disaster"
with representatives of state and public organizations.
YB Andreev - president of Ukrainian organizations of disabled persons "
Prof. YI Bandazhevsky,
Issues to be discussed:
Strategy of interaction between scientific and humanitarian initiatives in the implementation of international projects related to protecting health and the environment in the areas affected by the
Interaction of non-medical, environmental and humanitarian organizations in state and inter-state agencies (institutions, companies, regional bodies, the government, parliament, the European Parliament, etc.) in the formation of an international program to eliminate the effects of the
To coordinate projects of environmental protection and human health in areas contaminated with radioactive elements. The role of the
To form an international movement in support of the liquidators of the
To set up an international network of
16:30-17:00 Adoption of a resolution conference
17:00-17:30 Summing up the conference
17:30 -18:00 Press conference