KIEV, JUNE 7TH, 2011
Lecture hall of the National library of Medicine,
7, Boulevard Tolstoï, Kiev, Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 2:00 p.m.
Human reproduction in ionizing radiation exposure conditions – The project "Model of integrated livelihoods in the area of radioactive contamination" as one of the way of improvement of population’s health
With the cooperation of representatives of the state, of public and scientific personalities and of representatives of the public health of Ukraine, France and Republic of Belarus.
Scientific communications:
- Y.I. BANDAJEVSKI, Prof., MD, PhD, Dr Med. Sci. Head of the board of the Coordinating and Analytical Center “Ecology and Health”
- N.F. DUBOVAYA, MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Faculty of nutritional hygiene and hygiene of the children and the teenagers, national academy of the medical sciences, post-doctoral formation, Ministry of health, Ukraine;
- O.N . KADUN, endocrinologist, main physician of the Ivankov district, Kiev region.