Chernobyl 25 years: incorporated radio nuclides Cs-137 and human health [russian].
Bandazhevsky Y.I,. Dubovaya N.F., Bandazhevskaya G.S., Kadun O.N., Perepletchykov A.N., Gerbaud L.
Kiev: Ed. Prof. Y.I .Bandazhevsky. Coordinating and Analytical Center “Ecology and Health”; 2011. - 156 p.
The book presents the results of research, reflecting the unfavorable situation of the health status of people who have been exposed for over 25 years to radio nuclides as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. These results also present the characteristics of the pathological processes due to incorporation of radio nuclides Cs-137 (the most common of the radio nuclides which are present in these areas) in the vital organs. The key factors for improving the health status of the population living in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are explained.
The book is intended for doctors regardless of their specialities, for ecologists, for researchers, for specialists of radioprotection and for all those who are not indifferent to the future of victims of the Chernobyl NPP accident
The book features the following sections:
- Radio ecological, epidemiological, medical and demographic aspects of the Chernobyl disaster.
- The pathological processes in the vital organs and systems of human persons resulting from the incorporation of radio nuclides Cs-137 in the vital organs and systems of human persons.
- The key factors for improving the health status of the population living in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Bandazhevsky Y.I., Dubovaya N.F.
Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human reproduction in ionizing radiation exposure conditions [russian].
Kiev: Coordinating and Analytical Center “Ecology and Health”; 2011. - 116 p.
The book is dedicated to the processes of human reproduction in radiation long-term exposure conditions. The materials arise from works led during numerous years understanding clinical and anatomico-pathological observations, as well as experimental researches with laboratory animals. The effects of incorporated radio nucleides Cs-137 on the feminine and male reproductive systems, on pregnancy and development of the embryo are presented. The results of epidemiological works on the birthrate and the reproductive losses of the population living on the Ukrainian areas of radioactive contamination are analyzed.
The published materials can be interesting from the point of view of assessment of the real radio elements impact on the reproductive health of the population as well as for the development of effective ways to deal with the demographic problems.
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