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- International project "Model of integrated livelihoods in the area of radioactive contamination"
- Coordinating and Analytical Centre “Ecology and Health”
- International syndicate of assistance to the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and to the victims of nuclear effects
- “The friends of Yury Bandajevski”, French Association
- Scientific and Practical School “Ecology and Health"
- Legal and humanitarian support of the liquidators and the victims of the Chernobyl disaster
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Thirty-three years have passed since the accident at Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, yet the seriousness of this event for all humanity is still of concern. During the whole post-accident period, the nuclear lobby made many efforts to weaken public interest in this event. First of all, emphasis was made on the point that the tragedy had resulted in a small number of victims that included only workers of the nuclear power plant and firefighters involved in remedial actions to mitigate the consequences of the accident at the plant (31 people) and those who were permanently living in the most contaminated areas. It was concluded that the total number of Chernobyl victims who would die of cancer and leukaemia throughout their life would be less than 4000 people [1]. Some attention was also paid to migrants from reas with very high soil caesium-137 contamination levels.