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- Projet international « Modèle intégré de système de vie dans un territoire contaminé par la radioactivité »
- Centre d’analyse et de coordination «Ecologie et Santé»
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Information about publication
UDK 613:614.876 BBK 51.26 B 23
Bandazhevski Yu. I., Dubovaya N. F. Human health protection under conditions of radiation contamination of environment. - Ivankov: «Ecology and Health» Coordination and Analytical Centre, Private Enterprise, 2014, - Dnepropetrovsk: Cerednyak T. K., 2014. - 70 p. The book is dedicated to the protection of human health under conditions of radiation contamination of environment. There were described pathological conditions induced by Cs-137, the most common radionuclide in the environment, incorporated into the body. The main directions of health protection of people continuously living on the territory affected by the nuclear power plant accident were presented. The book is intended for healthcare practitioners, experts in the field of radiation protection and the population living in the area affected by the nuclear power plant accident.
© Bandazhevski Yu. I., 2014 © Dubovaya N.F., 2014
ISBN 978-617-7257-08-9 |