Юрий Бандажевский: Последствия Чернобыля признавать невыгодно
Белорусский ученый Юрий Бандажевский оценил для DW экологическую обстановку в регионе через 30 лет после взрыва на ЧАЭС. По его мнению, жертвы аварии не получили эффективной помощи.
Власти Беларуси и Украины постепенно увеличивают площадь территорий, где после аварии на Чернобыльской атомной станции разрешается проживание и некоторые виды хозяйственной деятельности. Так, согласно январскому постановлению Совмина РБ, с 2016 года из числа территорий, загрязненных радиацией, исключены еще 203 населенных пункта. Теперь пострадавшими считаются 2193 населенных пункта, где проживает около 1,1 миллиона белорусов.
Друзья профессора Бандажевского
The affection of the central nervous system by incorporated radionuclides Cs-137
Humanitarian support to children from Ivankov and Polesie districts of Kiev region living in areas contaminated by radioactive elements as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
The studies carried out in 2014-2015 by the Professor Yury Bandazhevsky and Associate Professor Nataliya Dubovaya with the help of public health institutions and international organisations showed that a significant number of children from families in Ivankov and Polesie districts chronically living in the territory contaminated by radioactive substances due to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident have considerable health problems. Given the nature of changes in the child’s body, one should anticipate that in the future, as a child grows, these problems may provoke severe diseases ending in death or disability [a collection of scientific articles «Ecology and Health», № 1, 2, 3].
Yu. I. Bandazhevsky, N. F. Dubovaya
A high mortality rate associated to a greater extent with cancer and cardiovascular diseases is recorded in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident [1].
It is extremely important practically and scientifically to find causes of this phenomenon. In this regard, it is reasonable to carry out studies to assess blood concentrations of homocysteine - an amino acid formed during transmethylation of methionine - a sulfur-containing amino acid essential for the human body.
During metabolic reactions, homocysteine is converted into cysteine or transformed back into methionine. The resynthesis of methionine from homocysteine is carried out during the metabolism of folic acid by transfer of the methyl group involving methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, В12-dependent methionine synthase and methionine synthase reductase.
Elevated levels of homocysteine in the body may be caused by folate metabolism disturbances, including genetic defects of above enzymes and may lead to serious consequences in the form of a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic miscarriage, congenital abnormalities and other diseases [2].
The purpose of this study was to assess blood homocysteine concentrations and genetic system of enzymes associated with folate metabolism in children from families continuously residing in an area affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
Yu.I. Bandazhevsky, N.F. Dubovaya, G.S. Bandazhevskaya, O.N. Kadun, O.V. Savenko, S.N. Grishin
In the first decades after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, vast territories of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation were heavily contaminated with radioactive substances, primarily 137Cs and 90Sr [1, 2, 3]. Radionuclides were transferred from soil to the body of people living in these areas through food chains and were intensively incorporated by vital organs and systems, including the heart, leading to serious interference with metabolic and electrophysiological processes in cell structures [2, 4, 5]. A correlation between 137Cs radionuclide concentrations in the body and the occurrence of a disturbance in conduction of the electrical impulse in the heart muscle of children was found [2, 4]. In this regard, it is appropriate to examine on a regular basis the cardiovascular system in the entire child population residing in an area affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
The aim of the paper was to evaluate the cardiovascular system in children from Polesie and Ivankov districts of Kyiv region, Ukraine affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
Сhernobyl: Prospects for the second Generation
Multi-media slides of the speech by Professor Yu.I. Bandazhevsky, given at the conference «Chernobyl: the Prospects of the Second Generation» (April 22, 2015, Paris, Second District Council Office), held with the participation of the Member of the European Parliament Michèle Rivasi and former Minister of Environment of France and former Member of the European Parliament, a lawyer Corinne Lepage. |
Information about publication
UDK 613:614.876 BBK 51.26 B 23
Bandazhevski Yu. I., Dubovaya N. F. Human health protection under conditions of radiation contamination of environment. - Ivankov: «Ecology and Health» Coordination and Analytical Centre, Private Enterprise, 2014, - Dnepropetrovsk: Cerednyak T. K., 2014. - 70 p. The book is dedicated to the protection of human health under conditions of radiation contamination of environment. There were described pathological conditions induced by Cs-137, the most common radionuclide in the environment, incorporated into the body. The main directions of health protection of people continuously living on the territory affected by the nuclear power plant accident were presented. The book is intended for healthcare practitioners, experts in the field of radiation protection and the population living in the area affected by the nuclear power plant accident.
© Bandazhevski Yu. I., 2014 © Dubovaya N.F., 2014
ISBN 978-617-7257-08-9 |
Recruiting staff members and postgraduate students to work in a research group
Since 2013, the European Commission has launched in Ukraine a large-scale humanitarian project aimed at social support of the population in Ivankov district closest to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Under this project, the complex research will be carried out dedicated to the assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health. In this regard, we are recruiting staff members and postgraduate students to work in a research group in a physico-chemical, biological and radiological analysis laboratory. Applications will be considered from candidates with a university degree in a physico-chemical, biological (including Plant Physiology and Agricultural Chemistry) and medical field, with experience of working in analytical laboratories and laboratories of Experimental Biology and Medicine.
Deadline for applications and CV is October 1, 2014, which should be sent to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Фактор "Х"
Несмотря на то, что от крупнейшей техногенной катастрофы нас отделяют почти три десятилетия, о ее последствиях для здоровья, в частности населения, проживающего на загрязненных территориях, известно немного. Отсутствие объективной информации, ее умалчивание (либо дозирование) привели к игнорированию опасности, мол, радиация уже ушла, а если что-то и осталось, бояться нечего — как жили, так и будем жить на своей земле. "Пережили Советы, переживем и радиацию" — шутят старики-полещуки.
Однако данные медицинской статистики отнюдь не оптимистичны. Так, например, смертность в Иванковском районе Киевской области вдвое превышает рождаемость. Показатель распространенности рака щитовидной железы среди населения района в постчернобыльский период увеличился в 40 раз, в то время как до аварии на ЧАЭС это заболевание не регистрировалось. Медики обеспокоены ростом сердечно-сосудистых, онкологических и других патологий. Высокий уровень заболеваемости наблюдается среди детей, и что характерно — все чаще у них диагностируют "взрослые" болезни. Социально-экономическая ситуация в значительной мере определяет депрессивность района: на загрязненных местностях нет предприятий, люди сидят без работы, потребляют продукцию, которую сами выращивают, едят собранные в лесу ягоды и грибы. Причем никакого контроля над содержанием радионуклидов не существует! Несмотря на то, что этот, граничащий с 30-километровой зоной, район — один из наиболее загрязненных радионуклидами цезия-137 и стронция-90.